Final Event 12th & 13th of November 2020
Jaguar Baseline testing @ IDIADA
Mercedes Baseline testing @ IDIADA
High-speed color imaging of fuel injection, ignition, flame propagation, and soot formation

PaREGEn: Particle Reduced, Efficient Gasoline Engines

An international European consortium of 17 large industry and research organisations on various automotive fields of expertise, the “PaREGEn” consortium will demonstrate, at up to TRL 7, a new generation of gasoline direct injection engined vehicles achieving a 15% reduction in CO2 emissions through the optimal combination of advanced engine and robust aftertreatment technologies.

Modelling and simulation software will be verified and used to improve the design and the capability of the engines. Two demonstration vehicles, one Mercedes E180 and one Jaguar XE, will comply with upcoming Euro 6 RDE limits with particle number emissions measured to a 10 nm dia. size threshold.

Results of PaREGEn – Advanced combustion

Advanced combustion research results can be found here: Advanced combustion and Research

Results of PaREGEn – Demonstrator vehicles

Research results on the demonstor vehicles and engines can be found here: Demonstrator: Engine development

PaREGEn – Target setting, Tracking and Impact

Results on the target setting, tracking and impact assessment can be found here: Target setting, tracking and impact

Partners about

"Jaguar Land Rover has a long-term commitment to reduce vehicle emissions and improve fuel economy, with environmental innovation at the heart of its strategy. We are excited to be part of the PaREGEn Project. Collaborating with..." Read more

"The main role of the research & advanced engineering department of the Daimler AG is to monitor and assess new powertrain technology. Within the PaREGEN project Daimler will use this experience in collaboration with the other project partners to improve fuel consumption..." Read more
"Within PaREGEn, the IVG at the UDE will closely work with ETH, Bosch, and LOGE to improve our understanding of why nanoparticles are formed in direct-injection engines and to bring that knowledge into simulation tools that can be used in engine optimization..." Read more
"The JRC has noticeable experience in measuring particle emissions from vehicle sand is currently leading the UNECE Particle Measurement Programme to investigate sub-23 nm particle emissions. The JRC will provide support to the PARGEN project for the characterization of emissions from vehicles in terms of particle number and size."
"Within the PaREGEn project UFI will design, develop and test the filter needed to remove and hold particles, generated in the water recovery system and that could damage all the relevant..." Read more
“The Paregen project will allow Siemens PLM to increase its simulation tools capabilities to support automotive industry innovation for more sustainable future transportation...” Read more
"At the Institute for Combustion Engines of RWTH Aachen University we are dedicated to the development of sustainable mobility. Herein, a major task is to exploit the efficiency..." Read more
"Ricardo are involved in PaREGEn since it will investigate and address the key short-term challenges for future premium passenger car engines, namely efficiency and air quality."
"Lund Combustion Engineering LOGE AB is very happy to participate in the PaREGEn project as this allows us to leverage our expertise in chemical processes..." Read more
"IDIADA is pleased to take part in the PaREGEn project, monitoring the development of a combination of innovative technologies in vehicles..." Read more
“FEV will bring its innovative engineering and combustion science expertise into the project team creating jointly a new highly efficient, low-carbon and clean-exhaust gasoline-fueled powertrain for mid and premium passenger cars."
"Within the PaREGEn project ETH will develop a Large Eddy Simulation platform for cycle-resolved simulation of flow, turbulence, combustion..." Read more

Project Interactions

The PaREGEn project interacts with other projects within the same H2020 call topic GV2-2016 – Technologies for low emission light duty powertrains. PaREGEn will use the latest measurement equipment as derived during the DownToTen and PEMS4Nano projects. Furthermore, interactions are foreseen with projects DiePer, SUREAL-23, EAGLE and UPGRADE. In general, the PaREGEn consortium is open to cooperate with any project that focuses on the long term development, in order to share learning and generate further beneficial synergies.