Advanced Combustion: Development of laser-diagnostic techniques for liquid-film evaporation and soot formation
Scope of this work
- Develop laser diagnostics in a model experiment
- Fuel-film evaporation by laser-induced fluorescence (LIF)
- Water films by IR absorption
- Soot precursors by LIF, Soot by laser-induced incandescence (LII)
Links to the results:
D1.3 Spray and spraywall interaction
Publications: zenodo
Presentation: Advanced Combustion Technologies by Andreas Manz – Bosch
Fuel-film evaporation
Conclusion: Same trends predicted by ETH‘s 3D-CFD simulation
PAH LIF and soot LII
- Soot in sharp filaments with high spatial intermittency
- PAH and soot often directly adjacent
- Strong PAH-LIF signal down-stream